Released on November 1, 2005
PocketPC: Direct download
Question editor (for Windows)
Watch the
Invasion: Trivia! Flash intro movie
The story so far...
Well, most of us figured we weren't alone in the universe, and now we know
for sure. Man, ignorance truly WAS bliss...
The aliens have landed, and they're not E.T. Actually, they're more like
Rodney Dangerfield... regular little wise-asses! They have a sense of humor,
it's just that they're punchlines usually end in the destruction of a
This is the deal: these two annoying adolescent little aliens named Krelmac
and Gentoo, members of the Ramalan species, go around the universe meeting
other races and challenging them to a little game... a game of trivia.
Don't worry, they take a look at the target race and create the questions
from that, so you won't have to answer questions on the mating habits of
the Altarian Bolga Beetle at least!
Sounds like fun, right? Here's the catch: they pick one person to play the
game, (you, in case you weren't sure!) and for each question you get wrong,
they blow up a city on your home planet.
If you get too many wrong, they just blow away the whole planet
(ahem... EARTH!!).
Certainly ruins an other wise good day, huh??
You will be given a series of questions, each with a different point level
associated with it. Answer the question right and you move on. Get it wrong,
and a city bites the dust! Get to the last question and answer it right and
you win. Get too many wrong, Earth buys the farm!
Invasion: Trivia! takes the classic trivia genre to a whole new place, a
place of demented humor, challenging questions and the chance to see
famous landmarks, and perhaps even an entire world, blown to bits! What
more could you ask for?!?
Dark, quirky humor throughout with your favorite quasi-evil aliens,
Krelmac and Gentoo.
Cartoon graphics
Colorful hand-drawn cartoon-style graphics.
Cut scenes galore! Enjoy (if you can) the wise-ass remarks of your
antagonists... Thrill to the destruction of eight different famous
cities around the world (you sicko!)... 25 different cut scenes await
you! Watch the world buy it if you do badly, get back-handed compliments
from the 'boys' if you do good.
Awesome sound effects
Whimsical sound effects throughout to delight your auditory senses.
Multiple characters
Six characters to choose from to represent you during the game.
Questions galore
1,000 challenging trivia questions built-in.
Editable questions
The ability to load and create your own question packs to share with
your friends, or a bunch of strangers, we don't care.
Multiple font choices
Ten different fonts to choose from. Don't like the computerized look?
Go with old english, or bold, or just a plain-old boring serif.
High score table
High scores recorded for each difficulty level. Speaking of which...
Multiple difficulty levels
Three different difficulty levels to play to really challenge you.
Special features
Four Zumbugwas to use. That probably needs some explaining... A
Zumbugwa on the Ramalan home planet is a small creature that somehow
always manages to live through anything. Drop an anvil on it, it
somehow manages to survive. Put it in a sealed box and set the box on
fire, the Zumbugwa will paradoxically be there, alive and well, after
the fire goes out. Pure, inexplicable luck, but it works for the
Zumbugwas! Zumbugwas help you answer those especially difficult
questions. Probably. Maybe.